Water = Amanzi the Zulu word for water


In a few days I am invited to speak at the United Nations in Geneva by invitation of Mr. Salim from Giweh -Global Insitute for water Environment and Health.

One and the major topic is water and the public awareness on green technologies.

Over 1.4 billion people live in river basins where high water-stress levels threaten the environment, illustrating that we are withdrawing too much water from our rivers, streams and lakes. according to International Water Management Institute (IWWI), the World Resources Institute (WRI).

See Picture:

So my keynote is on Green Growth and Employment because Clean Technology might help to fight this threat on a global scale. We need more awareness on green products, green companies, green behaviour and sustainability. Additionally this momentum will create jobs in the near future!

The reason why!

The Demand for Water is About to Explode!

As wealth increases in these regions, so does the demand for the types of basic „luxuries“ that Americans have taken for granted for years.

Luxuries that are extremely water-intensive. Consider this.

It takes:
– 39,090 gallons of water to manufacture one new car
– 2,096 gallons of water to make one quarter pound hamburger
– 40 gallons to make just one cup of coffee

Though we have to reduce our fresh water consumption, stop the pollution and create an environment where green companies prosper.

Please make it happen! Support these ideas.

Merry Christmas !